Import licence

As of 1 July 2024, the BAVG will take over the activity of issuing import licences in accordance with Section 23 (4) TGG 2024 in conjunction with Sections 13 and 14 VEVO 2022.

Import licences are to be issued by the BAVG upon application if the import of the consignments of animals, goods or objects in question does not involve the risk of introducing animal diseases and if the destination of the consignment is in Austria and the import does not contradict the provisions of EU law.

In any case, an import licence is required:

  1. Animals, goods and objects, insofar as an authorisation requirement is expressly provided for under EU law;
  2. Pathogens of animal diseases or material containing pathogens, with the exception of immunological veterinary medicinal products;
  3. Test material that contains or may contain pathogens;
  4. infected animals for scientific investigations.

Animals, goods and objects that are subject to EU-wide harmonised regulations and do not fall under points 1 - 4 above do not require an import permit.


Applications for an import licence can be submitted( and must contain at least the following information:

  1. the name and address of the applicant,
  2. the object of import and its designation, in the case of live animals additionally the number of animals,
  3. the country of origin and the country of provenance,
  4. the mode of transport (rail, lorry or similar) and
  5. the place of destination, stating the exact address of import.
  6. Any existing import licences must be uploaded.

If necessary, import licences may contain requirements and conditions.

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